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LiNbO3 Crystal Laser Crylink
Gold Coated LiNbO3 Crystal

LiNbO3 Crystal For 2790 Electro-Optical Modulation
Size: 45*20*11mm
Coating: AR/AR@2790nm, R≥99%; With high threshold

LiNbO3 crystals crylink have supplied

Size (mm)OrientationCoating
13*11*50θ=48°, φ=30° 
45*20*11 AR/AR@2790nm, R≥99%;

Size: ∅ (90.17-90.18)*1.51 mm

Size: ∅ (90.17-90.18)*1.51 mm

Size: ∅4*0.5mm
Both Sides Polished

Size: 13*11*50 mm
Orientation: θ=48°, φ=30°
Both Sides Polished

Size: 13*11*50 mm
Orientation: θ=48°, φ=30°
Both Sides Polished

Size: 13*11*50 mm
Orientation: θ=48°, φ=30°
Both Sides Polished

Size: ∅3*0.5mm
Orientation: Y Cut

Size: ∅6*0.5mm
Orientation: 128°Y Cut

Size: ∅4*0.5mm
Both Sides Polished


Chemical formulaLiNbO3
Crystal structuretrigonal
Space groupR3C
Density4.64 g/cm3
Mohs hardness5
Optical homogeneity~ 5 x 10-5 / cm
Transparency range420 – 5200 nm
Absorption coefficient~ 0.1 % / cm @ 1064 nm
Refractive indices at 1064 nmn= 2.146, n= 2.220 @ 1300 nm
n= 2.156, no = 2.232 @ 1064 nm
ne = 2.203, no = 2.286 @ 632.8 nm
Sellmeier equations (λ, μm)no2 = 4.9048 + 0.11768 / (λ2 – 0.04750) – 0.027169λ2
ne2 = 4.5820 + 0.099169 / (λ2 – 0.04443) – 0.021950λ2
Thermal expansion coefficient @ 25 °C//a, 2.0 x 10-6 / K
//c, 2.2 x 10-6 / K
Thermal conductivity~ 5 W/m/K @ 25 °C
Thermal optical coefficientdno/dT = -0.874 x 10-6 / K at 1.4 µm
dne/dT = 39.073 x 10-6 / K at 1.4 µm
Refractive retardationΓ=лLnr22V/λd
Electro-optic coefficientsR33=32pm/V
R22=6.8 pm/V
Aperture4x4mm ~ 9x9mm
Tolerance of size+/-0.1mm
Chamfer<0.5mm x 45°
Accuracy of orientation<5 arc min
Parallelism<10 arc sec
Flatnessl/8 at 632.8 nm
Wavefront Distortion<l/4 at 632.8 nm
Extinction Ratio>400:1 @ 633nm, dia 6mm beam
Operating wavelength range1.525-1.605μm
Extinction ratio<20dB
Half wave voltage<6V
DC bias voltage<8V
Input characteristic impedance50Ω
Light reflection≤-50dB
Maximum input electric power20dBm
Maximum input optical power10-100mW
Storage temperature-40-85℃
Operating temperature-40-70℃
Elastic Stiffness Coefficient cij/(1010N/m2)c11c12c13c14c33c44
Elastic Compliance Coefficient sij/(10-12m2/N)S11S12S13S14S33S44
Piezoelectric Strain Constantdij/(10-11C/N)d11d15d22d31d33
Dielectric ConstantεT110εT110
Electromechanical Coupling Coefficient kij(%)k15k31
NLO Coefficientsd33 = 34.4 pm/V
d31 = d15 = 5.95 pm/V
d22 = 3.07 pm/V
Efficiency NLO Coefficientsdeff =5.7 pm/V or ~14.6 x d36 (KDP) for frequency doubling 1300 nm;
deff =5.3 pm/V or ~13.6 x d36 (KDP) for OPO pumped at 1064 nm;
deff =17.6 pm/V or ~45 x d36 (KDP) for quasi-phase-matched structure.
Electro-Optic CoefficientsgT33 = 32 pm/V,  gS33 = 31 pm/V,
gT31 =10 pm/V,  gS31=8.6 pm/V,
gT22 = 6.8 pm/V, gS22= 3.4 pm/V,
Half-Wave Voltage, DC
Electrical field||z, light ^z:
Electrical field||x or y, light||z:
3.03 KV
4.02 KV
Damage Threshold100 MW/cm2 (10 ns, 1064nm)
Transmitted wavefront distortionbetter than l/4 @ 633nm
Dimension tolerance(W±0.1mm) x (H±0.1mm) x (L±0.2mm)
Clear apertureover 90% central diameter
Flatnessl/8 @ 633nm
Surface quality20 /10 Scratch/Dig
Parallelismbetter than 20 arc sec
Perpendicularity5 arc min
Angle toleranceDq < 0.5o, Df < 0.5o
AR-coatingdual wave band AR coating at 1064/532 nm on both surfaces, with R < 0.2% at 1064 nm and R < 0.5% at 0.532 nm per surface

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