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Crylink Concern

Many customers are uncertain about the performance of the product before confirming the purchase. Buying inappropriate products cause customers to waste money and psychological anxiety. So!!! Crylink launched free test sample service! The followina is the flow chart offree test sample, hope it can help you.

Flow Chart


Maybe You Want to Know

What is the free test sample?

Crylink provides customers with samples of the products they want to test and does not charge for products.this samplecalled free test sample.
This sample is usually the inventory of one kind of crystals.
Sample type:
I: Valuable productclients should pay the quarantees and send it back
Ⅱ: Cheap product no need to send it back.

You could apply or not?

Clients Limit:
Only the business or individual with purchase intention
Only the universities and institution.
Products Limit:
In stock: After confirming your application formwe will deliver in a week. Out of stock:
① Providing substitute sample
② Waiting until the sample complete.
③ Can’t provide because of your high requestetc.

Responsibilityand duty

Freight: By the clients
Feedback form: To be filled after test completed


Sample type I should be protected without no damage.
If the sample break down. compensation should be made only after neaotiation of both parties

Crylink Want to Say

Crylink aims to provide customers with quality and efficient services. Just like Crylink’s concept:Linking value, Crylink hopes to accompany customers from the start of the project to the success of the projectwhich is a very fulfilling thing for Crylink. Any suggestions or ideas can be sent to us via message or email or online chat, hoping that Crylink will become your premium supplier.