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The tunable mid-infrared light source can be realized by using Ho: YLF and other laser crystals as gain medium with a wavelength of 2000nm. Because this light source can quickly identify volatiles in molecular fingerprint regions, it plays an important role in military applications, high string wave generation and strong field physics research. Atmospheric remote sensing technology including Doppler lidar has also been widely used in 2000nm solid state lasers. Moreover, the absorption and emission interfaces of ho ion-doped gain media have a strong temperature dependence, which enables the development of low-temperature cooled Ho:YLF single-pass amplifiers. This makes Ho:YLF Crystal have a promising prospect.

Ho:YLF Crystal —— Intense ultrafast sources in the mid-IR with a wavelength of 2,000 nm can be used for military and physical research.

The medium infrared extremely fast source with the working wavelength of 2000nm can make clean self-compression to the less peripheral region by using nonlinear optics. These sources can quickly identify volatiles in the molecular fingerprint region and play the role of rapid scanning.


Parallelism error<10 arcsec
Perpendicularity error<10 arcmin
Clear aperture >90%
Protective chamfers<0,1 mm at 45′
Surface quality10-5 S-D
Surface flatness< /10@632,8 nm
Face dimensions tolerance+0/-0,1 mm
CoatingsR<0,35%@1900-2100nm on both faces
LIDT>10 J/cm2@2060 nm, 10 ns
Crystal structuretetragonal
Density3.95 g/cm3
Mohs hardness5
Thermal conductivity6 Wm-1K-1
Typical doping level Typical doping level 
dn/dT4.6 10-6 (||c) K-1,-6.6 10-6 (||a) K-1
Thermal expansion coefficient10.1 10-6 (||c) K-1,14.3 10-6 ((||a) K-1
Absorption peak wavelength1940 nm
Absorption cross section at peak1.2 10-20 cm2
Absorption bandwidth at peak wavelength~18 nm
Laser wavelength2060 nm
Lifetime of 5I7 energy level10 ms
Emission cross-section1.8 10-20 cm2
Refractive index@1064 nmno=1.448, ne=1.470

Ho:YLF crystals crylink have supplied

Ho YLF Φ3×30mm

Size: Φ3 x 30 mm
Coating: AR/AR@1900-2100nm
Damage threshold: >10J/cm2@2050nm,10ns

Ho YLF Φ3×30mm

Size: Φ3 x 30 mm
Coating: AR/AR@1900-2100nm
Damage threshold: >10J/cm2@2050nm,10ns

Ho YLF Φ3×30mm

Size: Φ3 x 30 mm
Coating: AR/AR@1900-2100nm
Damage threshold: >10J/cm2@2050nm,10ns

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