Nd:YVO4 crystal is an excellent laser for making the diode-pumped solid lasers. The primary and most significant advantages of Nd:YVO4 are high absorption coefficient, significantly stimulated emission cross-section and wide absorption band. The absorption peak is about 808 nm. Because of these advantages, tiny crystals can be used to make smaller laser devices. Another feature of Nd:YVO4 crystal is this uniaxial, which makes it emit linearly polarized lights. It is combined with frequency doubling crystals to enable an all-solid-state laser with green, blue, and red wavelengths.
Nd:YVO4 crystal case (1) for 1064 nm laser
Size: 3×3×5 mm;
Coating: S1: HR@1064&HT@808 nm;
S2: AR@1064&AR@808 nm
Nd:YVO4 crystal case (2) for 1064 nm laser
Size: 2×2×0.2 mm;
2-side polishing(2mmx2mm);
Coating: S1: HT@808nm, T=10%@1064nm
S2: HR@808nm, AR@1064nm
Nd:YVO4 crystal case (3) for 1064 nm laser
Size: 2×2×4 mm;
Side 1: AR@808 (R<3%) + HR@1064 (R>99.85%);
Side 2: AR@1064 (R<0.15%) + HR@532 (R>98%)
Nd:YVO4 crystal case (4) for 1064 nm laser
Size: 4×4×10 mm, 4×4×30 mm;
Coating: AR/AR@808nm & 888nm & 1064nm (3 wavelength), R<0.2% on 4*4 mm surface
Nd:YVO4 crystal case (5) for 1064 nm laser
Size: 3×3×5 mm;
S1&S2: AR@ 808 nm @ 1064 nm
Nd:YVO4 crystal case (6) for 1064 nm laser
Size: 2×2×4 mm;
Flat/Flat faces, no intentional tilt of the faces;
Nd:YVO4 crystal case (7) for 1064 nm laser
Size: 3×3×4 mm;
Orientation: a cut, wedge angle 2°;
Coating: AR@808nm+1064nm+1342nm
Optical Communication
457nm laser
- High absorption coefficient
- Large stimulated emission cross-section
- Wide absorption bang
- High damage threshold
- Uniaxial crystal
- Good physical and optical property
Nd:YVO4 crystal growth by the floating zone method Optical Materials Volume 61, November 2016, Pages 21-24 |
Growth of Nd-doped YVO4 single crystals along 〈1 0 0〉tetra by the anisotropic heating floating zone method Journal of Crystal Growth Volume 311, Issue 20, 1 October 2009, Pages 4535-4537 |
Dual-wavelength CW a-cut Nd:YVO4 laser at 1064.3 and 1066.7nm Optik Volume 127, Issue 20, October 2016, Pages 9073-9075 |
Continuous-wave dual-wavelength Nd:YVO4 laser at 1066.4 nm and 1083.8 nm Optik Volume 127, Issue 11, June 2016, Pages 4824-4825 |
Investigation of Nd:YVO4/YVO4 composite crystal and its laser performance pumped by a fiber coupled diode laser Optics Communications Volume 274, Issue 1, 1 June 2007, Pages 176-181 |
If you can’t find the Literature you want, Contact us to get the PDF Get the Literature
A high polarization microchip green laser with dual Nd:YVO4 crystal Optics & Laser Technology Volume 44, Issue 2, March 2012, Pages 370-373 |
Laser properties of different Nd-doped concentration Nd:YVO4 laser crystals Optics and Lasers in Engineering Volume 38, Issue 6, December 2002, Pages 527-536 |
Thermal effect investigation and passively Q-switched laser performance of composite Nd:YVO4 crystals Optics & Laser Technology Volume 68, May 2015, Pages 146-150 |
Improved direct bonding method of Nd:YVO4 and YVO4 laser crystals Ceramics International Volume 31, Issue 8, 2005, Pages 1085-1090 |
Growth, morphology and laser performance of Nd:YVO4 crystal Journal of Crystal Growth Volume 200, Issues 1–2, 1 April 1999, Pages 199-203 |
Growth, spectra and influence of annealing effect on laser properties of Nd:YVO4 crystal Optical Materials Volume 14, Issue 1, March 2000, Pages 25-30 |
Optical properties of planar waveguide in Nd:YVO4 crystal formed by swift Kr8+ ion irradiation Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section B: Beam Interactions with Materials and Atoms Volume 307, 15 July 2013, Pages 459-462 |
Radiation damage study of MeV ions-implanted Nd:YVO4 crystal Materials Science and Engineering: BVolume 178, Issue 20, 1 December 2013, Pages 1464-1468 |
The hydrothermal synthesis, solubility and crystal growth of YVO4 and Nd:YVO4 Journal of Crystal GrowthVolume 310, Issue 20, 1 October 2008, Pages 4472-4476 |
Investigation of LD end-pumped Nd:YVO4 crystals with various doping levels and lengths Optics & Laser TechnologyVolume 33, Issue 1, February 2001, Pages 47-51 |
Heat treatment and optical absorption studies on Nd:YVO4 crystal Journal of Crystal GrowthVolume 311, Issue 3, 15 January 2009, Pages 912-915 |
Analysis of ion implanted waveguides formed on Nd:YVO4 crystals Optics CommunicationsVolume 240, Issues 4–6, 15 October 2004, Pages 351-355 |
Nd:YVO4 single crystal fiber growth by the LHPG method Journal of Crystal GrowthVolume 229, Issues 1–4, July 2001, Pages 184-187 |
Nd:YVO4 crystal growth by Czochralski technique with a submerged plate Journal of Crystal GrowthVolume 311, Issue 22, 1 November 2009, Pages 4652-4659 |
Photoluminescence properties of Nd:YVO4 single crystals by multi-die EFG method Optical MaterialsVolume 26, Issue 4, September 2004, Pages 347-350 |
Possible trends for the growth of low scattering Nd:YVO4 laser crystals; phase relations-growth techniques Journal of Crystal GrowthVolume 172, Issues 3–4, 1 March 1997, Pages 466-472 |
Defects in large single crystals Nd:YVO4 Journal of Crystal GrowthVolume 226, Issue 4, August 2001, Pages 511-516 |
LHPG and flux growth of various Nd:YVO4 single crystals: a comparative characterization Materials Research BulletinVolume 33, Issue 10, October 1998, Pages 1457-1465 |
Optical properties of EFG grown Nd:YVO4 single crystals dependent on Nd concentration Journal of Crystal GrowthVolumes 237–239, Part 1, April 2002, Pages 745-748 |
Interferometric studies on a diode-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser with frequency-shifted feedback Optics CommunicationsVolume 121, Issues 4–6, 1 December 1995, Pages 137-140 |
High mobility thin film transistors by Nd:YVO4-laser crystallization Thin Solid FilmsVolume 383, Issues 1–2, 15 February 2001, Pages 143-146 |
Growth of Nd:YVO4 single-crystal plates by the edge-defined, film-fed growth technique Journal of Crystal GrowthVolume 305, Issue 1, 1 July 2007, Pages 181-184 |
Numerical study of nonlinear dynamics in a pump-modulation Nd:YVO4 laser with humped modulation profile Optics CommunicationsVolume 285, Issue 6, 15 March 2012, Pages 1366-1370 |
Concentration Tolerance (atm%) | 0.5%, 1.1%, 2.0%, 3.0% |
Orientation | A-cut or C-cut |
Parallelism | 20〞 |
Perpendicularity | 5〞 |
Surface Quality | 10/5 Scratch/Dig per MIL-O-13830 B |
Wavefront Distortion | <λ/8 @633nm |
Surface Flatness | λ/10@ 633 nm |
Clear Aperture | >90% |
Chamfer | ≤0.2mm@450 |
Dimension Tolerance | (W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.2/-0.1mm) (L<2.5mm) |
(W±0.1mm)x(H±0.1mm)x(L+0.5/-0.1mm) (L≥2.5mm) | |
Angle Tolerance | ≤0.5° |
Damage Threshold[GW/cm2 ] | >1 for 1064nm, TEM00, 10ns, 10Hz (AR-coated) |
Coatings | HR@1064nm+532nm+HT@808nm/AR@1064nm+532nm |
Crystal Structure | Zircon Tetragonal, space group D4h-I4/amd |
Lattice Constants | a=b=7.12, c=6.29 |
Density | 4.22g/cm3 |
Melting Point | 1825 |
Thermal Conductivity /(W·m-1·K-1@25°C) | 5.2 |
Thermal Optical Coefficient(dn/dT) | dno/dT=8.5×10-6/K; dne/dT=2.9×10-6/K |
Thermal Expansion /(10-6·K-1@25°C ) | a = 4.43, c= 11.4 |
Hardness (Mohs) | 4~5 |
Laser Wavelength | 1064nm, 1342nm |
Polarized Laser Emission | π polarization; parallel to optic axis (c-axis) |
Pump Wavelength | 808nm |
Intrinsic Loss | 0.02cm-1 @1064nm |
Diode Pumped Optical to Optical Efficiency | >60% |
Emission Cross Section | 25×10-19cm2@1064nm |
Fluorescence Lifetime | 90 μs (about 50 μs for 2 atm% Nd doped) @ 808 nm |
Gain Bandwidth | 0.96nm @1064nm |
Refractive Index | 1.9573(no); 2.1652(ne) @1064nm |
1.9721(no); 2.1858(ne) @808nm | |
2.0210(no); 2.2560(ne) @532nm | |
Absorption Coefficient | 31.4 cm-1 @ 808 nm |
Absorption Length | 0.32 mm @ 808 nm |
Gain Bandwidth | 0.96 nm (257 GHz) @ 1064 nm |