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Ti Sapphire Laser Crystal laser-crylink

Ti:Sapphire (Titanium doped Sapphire)

Ti3+:sapphire crystals (Titanium-doped sapphire) as an optically pumped, solid-state laser crystal is widely used in wavelength-tunable lasers.

Ti:Sapphire laser’s tunable range is 650-1100nm, and peaking at 800nm. It is one of the broadest wavelength-tunable laser crystals. The upper-state lifetime of Ti: sapphire is short to 3.2μs.

Because of the high saturation power, it’s hard to pump it by the lamp. Argon ion lasers, frequency-doubled Nd: YAG laser, etc., are usually adapted. Using self-mode-locking technology, the Ti: Sapphire laser can output laser pulse with pulse width as short as 6.5fs directly, the narrowest laser pulse of all lasers that directly output from the resonant cavity. The laser beam’s wavelength can cover broadband from blue to deep ultraviolet through frequency-double technology. Produced 193 nm laser has been used in lithography machine.


Concentration(0.05~0.35) wt%
OrientationA-Axis within 5°,E-vector parallel to C-Axis
Figure of Merit(FOM)100~300
Wavefront Distortion<­λ /4@632 nm
Surface Flatness<λ­/8@632 nm
Clear Aperture>90%
Surface Quality10-5(MIL-PRF-13830B)
CoatingsStandard coating is AR with R < 5.0% each
face @532 nm and R < 0.5% each face,
from 650 nm to 850 nm. Custom coatings
Crystal StructureHexagonal
Density3.98 g/cm3
Melting Point2040 °C
Thermal Conductivity33 W / (m K)
Temperature dependence of refractive index13 × 106K1
Thermal shock resistance parameter790 W/m
Thermal Expansion≈ 5 × 10-6K-1
Hardness (Mohs)9
Young`s Modulus /GPa335
Specific heat0.1 cal/g
Tensile Strength/Mpa400
Ti density for 0.1% at. doping4.56 × 1019cm3
Laser TransitionF3/2→F1/2
Fluorescence emission wavelength range600-1200 nm
Peak emission wavelength~780 nm
Center800 nm
Tunable Absorption Band400-600 nm
Absorption Peak488 nm
Peak stimulated emission cross-section: parallel to the c-axis4.1×10-19cm2
Peak stimulated emission cross-section: perpendicular to the c-axis2.0×10-19cm2
Stimulated emission cross-section at 795 nm2.8×10-19cm2
Saturation flux at 795 nmEs=0.9J/cm2
Fluorescence Lifetime3.2 μs
Emission Line Width650-1100 nm
Refractive Index1.77@ 532 nm; 1.76@800 nm; 1.75@1100 nm
Absorption Coefficient0.8~7.0 cm-1
Damage threshold (10ns, 1064nm)10J/cm2

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