Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass — as the 1540nm eye-safe radiation sources pumped by LD which can emit eye-safe 1540nm laser radiation directly used in laser ranging finder and telecommunication communication
As an eye-safe wavelength laser, 1540um, Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass lasers have attracted much attention for their compactness and low costs, such as laser generation and signal amplification wavelength of 1540nm is just at the position of the eye-safe and the fiber optic communication window. 1540nm lasers have been used in ranging finder, radar, and target recognition. Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass cooperates with passive Q-Switch crystal – co:spinel to get a 1540nm pulse solid-state laser.
Er3+ emission transition occurs within this wavelength range corresponding to the 4I13/2 →4I15/2. However, Er3+ absorption is too weak to allow direct pumping, so energy transfers are required. Yb3+ ions give the most efficient ones under absorption from the 2F7/2 → 2F5/2 transition, energy transfer to the 4I11/2 Er3+ level and fast nonradiative change Er3+ 4I13/2 level, which emits the expected fluorescence. Er,Yb:glass laser with radiation output at the wavelength of 1540 nm does not require the addition of additional components.
Er,Yb:Glass Case (1) for 1535nm Laser
Size: 20*20*2.5 mm;
S1, AR@915-960nm,R<0.3% & HR@1535nm±3nm, R>99.8% ;
S2, AR@1535nm±3nm, R<0.2%;
Damage threshold >35J/cm2@1535nm,7ns
Er,Yb:Glass Case (2) for 1535nm Laser
S1:AR@910-980nm,R<1%; HR@1535±5nm,R>99.9%; AOI: 0±1°;
S2:AR@1535±5nm, R<0.2%; AR@910-980nm, R<1% ; AOI: 0±1°;
Damage threshold :>35J/cm2@1540nm, 10ns
Er,Yb:Glass Case (3) for 1540nm Laser
A,B: AR@1540 R<0.5%;
C,D: AR@940 R<0.5%;
E,F: RE R@940>95%;
LIDT (for coating surfaces and material):0.8×10*5 J/m2
(puls duration 10-40 nsec)
Er,Yb:Glass Case (4) for 1535nm Laser
Doping: Yb 20%, Er 0.5%;
Coating S1: HT (T>95%) @940+/-10nm + HR(R>99.5%) @1535 nm, AOIº =0;
Coating S2: AR (R<0.25%) @1535 nm
Er,Yb:Glass Case (5) for 1540nm Laser
A, B: AR@1540 R<0.5%;
C, D: AR@940 R<0.5%;
E, F: RE R@940>95%;
LIDT (for coating surfaces and material): 0.8*10*5 J/m2 (puls duration 10-40 nsec)
Er,Yb:Glass Case (6)
Size: φ6×50 mm;
Er doping: 0.52%;
Yb doping: 22.0%
Optical Communication
Er glass fiber amplifier
Range And Lidar
1535 eye-safe laser
- Wide absorption band
- Long fluorescence lifetime
- High optical quality
- Safety for eye
- High slope efficiency
Optical properties of Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped phosphate glass system for NIR lasers and fiber amplifiers Ceramics International Volume 44, Issue 18, 15 December 2018, Pages 22467-22472 |
Er,Yb codoped phosphate glasses with improved gain characteristics for an efficient 1.55 µm broadband optical amplifiers Journal of Luminescence Volume 148, April 2014, Pages 249-255 |
Sensitizing effect of Yb3+ ions on photoluminescence properties of Er3+ ions in lead phosphate glasses: Optical fiber amplifiers Optical Materials Volume 86, December 2018, Pages 256-269 |
Spectral and temporal properties of diode-pumped Er,Yb: glass laser Optics Communications Volume 252, Issues 4–6, 15 August 2005, Pages 301-306 |
Spectroscopy of Er and Er,Yb doped phosphate glasses Optical MaterialsVolume 13, Issue 4, January 2000, Pages 417-425 |
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Insights into Er3+,Yb3+ energy transfer dynamics upon infrared ~1550 nm excitation in a low phonon fluoro-tellurite glass system Journal of Luminescence Volume 187, July 2017, Pages 441-448 |
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Multicomponent rare earth-Doped phosphate glasses for compact lasers and amplifiers ICTON 2018 |
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EAT14 | WM4 | |
Cross section for stimulated emission (10-20cm2) | 0.8 | 0.75 |
Fluorescent lifetime (ms)* | 7.7-8.0 | 7.7-8.2 |
Center lasing wavelength (nm) | 1535 | 1535 |
EAT14 | WM4 | |
Refractive index (1535nm) | 1.524 | 1.528 |
Refractive index (d 589.3nm) | 1.532 | 1.536 |
Abbe value | 66 | 66 |
dn/dT (10-6/℃) (20~100℃) | -1.72 | -3 |
EAT14 | WM4 | |
Transformation temp. (℃) | 556 | 530 |
Softening temp. (℃) | 605 | 573 |
Coeff.of linear thermal expansion (10-7/K) (20~100℃) | 87 | 82 |
Coeff.of linear thermal expansion (10-7/K) (100~300℃) | 95 | 96 |
Thermal Coeff.of optical path length (10-6/K) (20~100℃) | 2.9 | 1.4 |
Thermal conductivity (25℃) (W/mK) | 0.7 | 0.7 |
EAT14 | WM4 | |
Density (g/cm3) | 3.06 | 2.83 |
Chemical durability (weigh loss rate at 100℃ distilled water) (μg/hr.cm2) | 52 | 82 |
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EAT-14 Absorption curve | EAT-14 emission curve |
Orientation Tolerance | < 0.5° |
Thickness/Diameter Tolerance | ±0.05 mm |
Surface Flatness | <λ/8@632 nm |
Wavefront Distortion | <λ/4@632 nm |
Surface Quality | 10-5 |
Parallel | 10〞 |
Perpendicular | 15ˊ |
Clear Aperture | >90% |
Chamfer | <0.1×45° |
Maximum dimensions | dia (3-12.7)×(3-150)mm2 |