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CLBO Crystal

CLBO Nonlinear Crystal Laser Crylink
CLBO Nonlinear Crystal

Non-linear crystal CLBO for frequency conversion of visible and near-IR laser radiation to the UV range

Cesium lithium borate crystal, CsLiB6O10 (CLBO), is a novel nonlinear optical borate crystal possessing excellent NLO properties in the UV range. Because of its good NLO properties, such as sufficient large nonlinear coefficient, short absorption edge, large values of angular, spectral, and temperature bandwidths, CLBO crystal is well suited for second and higher-order harmonic generation and an excellent material to produce UV and deep UV all-solid-state lasers. Its UV absorption edge reaches 180 nm. The effective nonlinear optical coefficient of CLBO for frequency doubling at 1064nm is about twice as large as that of KDP. CLBO crystals can be grown from the stoichiometric melt with lower viscosity.

All-solid-state ultraviolet lasers have been widely used in the fields of mechanical flaw detection, lithography, micromachining and medicine for the advantages of small volume, long life, high efficiency, good beam quality, wide tuning and narrow spectral line, etc. Utilizing high power near-infrared coherent light source as the fundamental frequency source based on nonlinear tuning technology, generating ultraviolet coherent radiation by multistage frequency conversion is regarded as an important way to develop the ultraviolet coherent light source. The key problem of ultraviolet coherent light source mainly focuses on the development of nonlinear optical frequency conversion crystal in ultraviolet band. The nonlinear optical crystal is one of the conditions for frequency transformation, so the growth, size, damage resistance, conversion efficiency and allowable parameter range of nonlinear optical crystal are required more and more.


Chemical formulaCsLiB6O10
Crystal structureTetragonal,Negative uniaxial crystal,42 m
Lattice constantsa=10.494Å,c = 8.939Å,Z=4
Mass density2.461 g/cm3
Moh hardness5.5
Melting point1118 K
Molecular mass364.706
Thermal conductivity1.25 W/m K
Transparency Range180-2750 nm
Absorption coefficient0.0013 cm−1
Refractive Indices
1.064 μmne = 1.4340, no = 1.4838
0.532 μmne = 1.4445, no = 1.4971
Sellmeier Equations(λ in μm)no2 = 2.2104+0.01018/(λ2-0.01424)-0.01258λ2
ne2 = 2.0588+0.00838/(λ2-0.01363)-0.00607λ2
NLO coefficientsdeff(I)=d36sinθmsin(2φ)
Therm-Optic Coefficientsdno/dT=-1.9*10-6/
Damage Threshold26 GW/cm2
Wavelength(nm)Phase Matching Angle(°)Deff(pm/V)Angle Tolerence(mrad·cm)Walk-off Angle(°)
The second harmonic conversion efficiency is calculated as a function of input basic pulse energyCLBO-nonlinear-crystal-angle-CRYLINK
The second harmonic conversion efficiency is calculated as a function of input basic pulse energyThe phase of type I and II varies with the length of the fundamental wave
CLBO transmission spectrumCLBO-nonlinear-crystal-index-CRYLINK
CLBO transmission spectrumRefractive index dispersion

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