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LBO Crystal

LBO Nonlinear Crystal Laser Crylink 2
LBO Nonlinear Crystal

LBO is one of the excellent non-linear crystals in the ultraviolet band. It has been successfully used in second and third harmonic generation of YLF, YAG, YAP lasers. LBO crystal has wide transmission band, good ultraviolet transmittance, slightly deliquescence, good physical and chemical properties, moderate non-linear optical coefficient, good optical uniformity, high damage threshold, large allowable angle and small walk-off angle. It has been widely used in high average power second harmonic, sum frequency, difference frequency, third harmonic, fourth harmonic and parametric oscillation field

LBO crystal — the most excellent nonlinear crystal for Noncritical Phase Matched laser frequency doubling

The greatest advantage of LBO is that temperature tuning can be used to achieve non-critical phase matching (NCPM). When the non-critical phase matching relationship is satisfied in the frequency doubling process, the walk-off angle between the fundamental frequency light and the second harmonic of frequency doubling is 0. At this time, the effective length of LBO crystal can theoretically reach infinity, which can compensate for its small non-linear coefficient. Because its damage threshold is very large, it means that high-power fundamental wave pumping can be realized. Therefore, the conversion efficiency of fundamental frequency light will be greatly improved by using the non-critical phase matching of LBO crystal for the extra-cavity frequency doubling of pulsed laser. The beam quality and stability of frequency light will be greatly improved.


Chemical formulaLiB3O5
Crystal structureOrthorhombic, Space group Pna21, Point group mm2
Lattice Parametera=8.4473Å ,b=7.3788Å, c=5.1395Å, Z=2
Mass density2.47 g/cm3
Moh hardness6
Melting pointAbout 834°C
Thermal conductivity3.5W/m/K
BirefringenceNegative biaxial crystal: 2Vz = 109.2˚ at λ = 0.5321μm
Transparency Range169 – 2600 nm
Absorption Coefficient:<0.1%/cm at 1064nm;<0.3%/cm at 532nm
Refractive Indices 
at 1.0642 mmnx = 1.5656, ny = 1.5905, nz=1.6055
at 0.5321 mmnx = 1.5785, ny = 1.6065, nz=1.6212
at 0.2660 mmnx = 1.5973, ny = 1.6286, nz=1.6444
Sellmeier Equations(λ in μm)nx2=2.454140+0.011249/(λ2-0.011350)-0.014591λ2-6.60×10-5λ4
SHG Phase Matchable Range551 ~ 2600nm (Type I);790-2150nm (Type II)
NLO coefficientsdeff(I)=d32cosΦ          (Type I in XY plane)
deff(I)=d31cos2θ+d32sin2θ   (Type I in XZ plane)
deff(II)=d31cosθ         (Type II in YZ plane)
deff(II)=d31cos2θ+d32sin2θ  (Type II in XZ plane)
Non-vanished NLO susceptibilitiesd31=1.05 ± 0.09 pm/V
d32=-0.98 ± 0.09 pm/V
d33= 0.05 ± 0.006 pm/V
Therm-Optic Coefficients(°C,λ in μm)dnx/dT=-9.3X10-6
Angle Acceptance6.54mrad-cm (Φ, Type I,1064 SHG)15.27mrad-cm (q, Type II,1064 SHG)
Theta/Phi deg
AR Coatings
5 x 515THG@1064nm, Type II (e-oe)42.2/901064 + 532 / 355
15SHG@1064nm, Type I (e-oo)90/11.61064 + 532 / 1064 + 532
6 x 60.9SHG@1030nm90/13.8515 + 1030 / 515 + 1030
1.9SHG@1030nm90/13.8515 + 1030 / 515 + 1030
2.8SHG@1030nm90/13.8515 + 1030 / 515 + 1030
3.7SHG@1030nm90/13.8515 + 1030 / 515 + 1030
10 x 100.9SHG@1030nm90/13.8515 + 1030 / 515 + 1030
1.9SHG@1030nm90/13.8515 + 1030 / 515 + 1030
2.8SHG@1030nm90/13.8515 + 1030 / 515 + 1030
3.7SHG@1030nm90/13.8515 + 1030 / 515 + 1030
3 x 310THG@1064nm, Type II   (e-oe)42.2/901064 + 532 / 355
15SHG@1064nm, NCPM I Type90/01064 + 532 / 1064 + 532
15THG@1064nm, Type II (e-oe)42.2/901064 + 532 / 355
15SHG@1064nm, Type I (e-oo)90/11.61064 + 532 / 1064 + 532
20SHG@1064nm, NCPM I Type90/01064 + 532 / 1064 + 532
Orientation Tolerence< 0.5°
Thickness/Diameter Tolerance±0.05 mm
Surface Flatness<λ/8@632 nm
Wavefront Distortion<λ/4@632 nm
Surface Quality10/5
Clear Aperture>90%
LBO nonlinear crystal transmission CRYLINKLBO nonlinear crystal SHG CRYLINK
LBO  Transmission SpectrumSHG
LBO nonlinear crystal OPO CRYLINK

LBO crystals crylink have supplied

Size (mm)TypeAngleCoating
3x3x10typeⅠ(1430 — 715)theta=90 phi=2.5 
3x3x10typeⅠ(1470 —735)theta=90 phi=5.4 
3x3x10typeⅠ(1064+532— 355)theta=90 phi=37.2AR/AR@1064nm+532nm/355nm
3x3x10typeⅡ(1064+532— 355)theta=42.2 phi=90 
3.5×3.5×7typeⅠ(1064 —532)theta=90 phi=11.3AR/AR@1064/532nm
4x4x20type(739 — 369.5)theta=90 phi=38.2AR/AR@739nm/369.5nm
4x4x20type(846 — 423)theta=90 phi=27.2AR/AR@846nm/423nm
6x6x0.9typeⅠ(1030 — 515)theta=90 phi=13.8 

Size: 3.5×3.5×7 mm
Type: typeⅠ (1064nm —532nm)
Angle: theta=90 phi=11.3

Coating: AR@1064nm/532nm

Size: 3×3×10mm
Type: typeⅡ (1064+532 —355)
Angle: theta=42.2 phi=90

Size: 3×3×10mm
Type: typeⅠ (1064+532 —355)
Angle: theta=90 phi=37.2
Coating: AR@1064+532nm/355nm

Laser induced damage threshold: >10J/cm2@1064nm,10ns,10HZ

Size: 3×3×10mm
Angle: theta=90 phi=2.5
Type: typeⅠ (1470 —935)

Size: 4×4×20mm
Type: typeⅠ (739 — 369.5)
Angle: theta=90 phi=38.2
Coating: AR/AR@739nm/369.5nm

Size: 3×3×10mm
Angle: theta=90 phi=2.5
Type: typeⅠ (1430 —915)

Size: 4×4×20mm
Type: typeⅠ (846 — 423)
Angle: theta=90 phi=27.2
Coating: AR/AR@846nm/423nm

Size: 6×6×0.9 mm
Type: typeⅠ (1030 — 515)
Angle: theta=90 phi=13.8

Size: 4×4×20mm
Type: typeⅠ (846 — 423)
Angle: theta=90 phi=27.2
Coating: AR/AR@846nm/423nm

Size: 3×3×10mm
Type: typeⅠ (1064+532 —355)
Angle: theta=90 phi=37.2
Coating: AR@1064+532nm/355nm

Laser induced damage threshold: >10J/cm2@1064nm,10ns,10HZ

Size: 4×4×20mm
Type: typeⅠ (739 — 369.5)
Angle: theta=90 phi=38.2
Coating: AR/AR@739nm/369.5nm

Size: 3.5×3.5×7 mm
Type: typeⅠ (1064nm —532nm)
Angle: theta=90 phi=11.3

Coating: AR@1064nm/532nm

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