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YCOB Crystal

YCOB Nonlinear Crystal Laser Crylink
YCOB Nonlinear Crystal

YCOB crystal is one of the most widely used nonlinear optical crystals. Its nonlinear optical coefficient is equivalent to that of BBO crystal and LBO crystal. The effective frequency multiplication coefficients of the second and third order reach 2, 8 and 1, 4 times of KDP respectively.The YCOB crystal has the following advantages : large aperture,  high damage intensity in femtosecond regime,about2000-2500GW/cm2 wide allowable Angle range and allowable temperature range,small dispersion Angle, shorter growth period by Cz method.At the same time, it has stable physical and chemical properties (non-deliquescent) and good machining properties. Therefore, it is considered to have good application prospects of blue-green light and UV band optical frequency multiplier crystal.

YCOB (YCa4O(BO3)3, Yttrium Calcium Oxyborate)—Nonlinear crystal considered to have good prospects of  UV band optical frequency multiplier

One of the latest technical achievements connected with YCOB is the generation of 2.35-W CW green output (λ = 532 nm) in a 1.2-cm-long crystal (θ = 64.5◦, φ =35.5◦) via inter cavity SHG of a diode-array end-pumped Nd:YVO4 laser (P = 5.6W). Another similar application is THG of NdYVO4 laser radiation. Using the KTP crystal for frequency doubling and a 1.1-cm-longYCOB crystal (θ = 106◦, φ =77.2◦), the authors managed to obtain 124mW of quasi-CW light (pulse repetition frequency 20 kHz) at 355 nm.


Crystal StructureMonoclinic, Point group m
Lattice Parametera=8.0770 Å, b=16.0194 Å , c=3.5308 Å ,  β=101.167º, Z=2
Melting PointAbout 1510ºC
Mohs Hardness6~6.5
Density3.31 g/cm3
Thermal Conductivity2.6 W/m/K (||X), 2.33 W/m/K (||Y), 3.1 W/m/K (||Z)
1.06410851 pulse
1.118.4along Y axis, E||Z
The blue line is the spectral intensity after SHG. The red line is Wizzler’s phaseThe blue line is the pulse FTL shape after SHG. The red line is the shape of time Wizzler measured.
OPA spectra were obtained by the first stage (black solid line) based on BBO crystals and the second stage (red solid line) based on YCOB crystals.X-ray sway curves of YCOB wafers
Transmission spectrum of YCOB crystal 

YCOB crystals crylink have supplied

YCOB 10x10x4  
18x18x2theta=37° phi=0°XZ
18x18x2theta=37° phi=0°XZ
18x18x5theta=37° phi=0°XZ
18x18x4theta=37° phi=0°XZ

YCOB Crystal
Orientation: XZ plane,Type Ⅰ;
θ=37°, φ=0°

YCOB Nonlinear Crystal 10×10×4 Laser Crylink
YCOB Nonlinear Crystal 10×10×4 Laser Crylink

Size: 10x10x4 mm

YCOB Nonlinear Crystal 10×10×5 Laser Crylink
YCOB Nonlinear Crystal 10×10×5 Laser Crylink

Size: 10x10x5 mm

YCOB Nonlinear Crystal 10×10×6 Laser Crylink
YCOB Nonlinear Crystal 10×10×6 Laser Crylink

Size: 10x10x6 mm

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