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Yb:KGW laser crystal


[…] on femtosecond Yb:KGW laser Thermal lensing in an endpumped Yb:KGW slab laser with high power single emitter diodes Highpower, efficient, semiconductor saturable absorber modelocked Yb:KGW bulk laser Download PDF Contact Us Now Parameter Physical and Chemical Properties Chemical formula potassium gadolinium tungastate Crystal structure monoclinic double tungstates Density 7.27 g/cm3 Transmission range 0.355.5 μm […]

Yb:YAP - Laser Crylink


Yb: YAP Yb:YAP Chemical formula is Yb:YAlO3,Yttrium orthoaluminate activated with Yb3+ ions doped. It is mostly used in diode pumped highpower ultrafast lasers and the emission spectrum is around 1 um, also it’s scintillators. Yb:YAP is a Infrared laser crystal, as a result of high threshold of pump, Yb:YAP has a widly used in application. […]

Yb:YLF - Laser Crylink


Yb: YLF Yb: YLF Crystal has a high absorption characteristic near the wavelength of 960nm and is suitable for laser with 960nm wavelength. Since the Yb ion has only two energy levels associated with absorption and emission, this special electron configuration makes its heat load small. The high purity material with high external quantum efficiency […]

KTP Electro-optical Q-switch crystal - Laser Crylink


[…] stability green laser using type II phase matching KTiOPO4 (KTP) crystal with boundary temperature control Evaluation of 532nm KTP laser treatment effi cacy on acne vulgaris News Download PDF Contact Us Now Parameter Physical and Optical Properties Transparency range 3504500 nm Crystal structure Orthorhombic Density 3.01 g/cm3 Mohs hardness 5 Absorption Coeffient a < […]

LiNbO3 Electro-optic crystal


[…] 387–394 Swift heavy ion irradiation induces enhancement in electrical conductivity of LiTaO3 and LiNbO3 crystals Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research B 435 (2018) 152–156 News Download PDF Contact Us Now LiNbO3 crystals crylink have supplied Size (mm) Orientation Coating Φ3×0.5 YCut   Φ4×0.5     Φ6×0.5 128°YCut   13*11*50 θ=48°, φ=30°   […]

LiTaO3 electro-optic crystal


[…] measuring an electric field, LiTaO3 is widely used because of its large electrooptic coefficient, which makes it highly sensitive in measurement ,and the wafer fabrication cost is low. Download PDF Contact Us Now Parameter Physical and Chemical Properties Point group C3v3m Refractive index at 632.8nm n0=2.176 ne=2.186 Transparent Range 0.45.0μm Orientation X,Z,36°Y,42°Y,128°Y Melting point 1650℃ […]

RTP electro-optic crystal


[…] as Er:YAG laser at 2.94 μm with fairly good efficiency. Bulk absorption measurements at 1.064 μm range from 50 to 150 ppm using Photothermal Common Path Interferometer. Download PDF Contact Us Now Parameter Physical and Chemical Properties Chemical formula RbTiOPO4 Crystal structure Orthorhombic Point group mm2 Lattice parameters, Å a 12.96 b 10.56 c […]

LGS Crystal


[…] practical switch and a good Qmodulation result can be obtained. LGS crystal widens the new direction of exploring and discovering new electrooptic crystals from optically active crystals. Download PDF Contact Us Now Parameter Material and Specifications Point group 32 Airborne group P32I specific resistance 4.0×1012Ω/cm1 Thickness 0.130.5mm Diameter 50mm Length 90100mm Melting point 1470℃ […]

CeF3 crystal - laser crylink


CeF3 Crystal CeF3 crystal has paramagnetic rotation characteristics. Among the rare earth (RE3+) ions, fluoride crystals generally have higher UVVISIR transparency than oxide crystals. At the same time, Ce3+ is characterized by complete transparency in the VIS region. However, the TGG material traditionally used as a Faraday rotator (FR) has a continuous decrease in transparency toward shorter […]

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